Books by Trish Bartley

Mindfulness: A Kindly Approach to Being with Cancer


Mindfulness: A Kindly Approach to Being with Cancer offers people with cancer a means to bring mindfulness and kindliness into their lives, to help them cope with the challenge of a life-threatening illness. 

  • Adapts Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), an approach with a strong evidence base for people with recurrent depression, for the needs and challenges of people with cancer
  • Presents the standard 8-week course of MBCT for cancer in a flexible format that is designed to suit each reader’s own particular timescale, context and situation
  • Based on more than 15 years of program development and clinical application by the author, and the work and experience of mindfulness teachers in other cancer centres around the world
  • Provides specific practices and approaches tailored to support the different phases of a cancer experience – from  diagnosis and treatment to living with uncertainty and managing life with cancer
  • Features five extended stories from people personally affected by cancer who have used mindfulness-based practices to support them in their own experience of illness, life and treatment

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Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Cancer: Gently Turning Towards


Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy for Cancer presents an eight-week course for MBCT which has been tried and tested over ten years of clinical use, and is targeted specifically for people with cancer.

  • There is growing evidence of mindfulness as a successful and cost-effective intervention for reducing the negative psychological impact of cancer and treatment  
  • Draws upon the author’s experience of working with people with cancer, and her own recent experience of using mindfulness with cancer diagnosis and treatment
  • Stories from cancer patients illustrate the learning and key themes of the course
  • Includes new short practices and group processes developed by the author
  • This book is designed for use by professionals teaching MBCT for cancer 


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Teaching Mindfulness-Based Groups: The Inside Out Group Model


Mindfulness-based programs (MBPs) were designed to be taught in groups, and almost all participants learn about mindfulness this way. Yet there has been little research into the impact of the group on the overall learning experience and how this can enhance the outcomes for each participant, their community and the wider context. Based on the ‘Inside Out Group’ (IOG) model developed by the authors, Teaching Mindfulness-Based Groups offers a clear way for teachers to understand the complexities of group processes in MBPs based on four key capacities: 1. Inside out embodying (non-judgemental present moment awareness); 2. Reading the group (understanding the theory of group development); 3. Holding the group (cultivating an environment to facilitate learning); and 4. Befriending the group (engaging the heart in mindfulness teaching).


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